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#DXC23 Summit | Mar 23, 2023, 5:00 p.m. EDT – Mar 25, 2023, 5:30 p.m. EDT TMU Ted Rogers School of Management, 55 Dundas St W, Toronto
Get Tickets- 45 minutes
The Globe and Mail Centre - 15 minutes
Opening Remarks
The Globe and Mail Centre - 1 hour 30 minutes
Keynote and Q+A: Anand Giridharadas - The Persuaders Playbook
The Globe and Mail Centre - 1 hour 30 minutes
Networking Reception
The Globe and Mail Centre
- 45 minutes
Democracy Futures - Doors Open, Registration and Coffee
OCAD U CO - 15 minutes
Opening Remarks
OCAD U CO - 1 hour 30 minutes
Opening Plenary and Workshop Introduction
OCAD U CO - 2 hours 15 minutes
Theme Breakouts: (A) Inequality; (B) Trust; (C) Information
OCAD U CO - 45 minutes
OCAD U CO - 2 hours 45 minutes
Theme Breakouts: (A) Inequality; (B) Trust; (C) Information
OCAD U CO - 45 minutes
Review of Heatmap and Closing Plenary
OCAD U CO - 1 hour 30 minutes
Keynote and Q+A: Nadia Urbinati - The Rise of the Italian Far Right
Toronto Reference Library
- 15 minutes
Doors Open - Registration, Coffee & Exhibition
TMU School of Management - 15 minutes
Land Acknowledgement & Opening Remarks
TMU School of Management - 1 hour 10 minutes
Keynote and Q+A: Rajni Perera - The Role of the Artist in Upholding Democracy
TMU School of Management - 15 minutes
TMU School of Management - 1 hour 20 minutes
Track A Panel and Q&A: How to Citizen - Reflections on Local Politics and the Role(s) Of Municipal Stakeholders
TMU School of Management - 1 hour 20 minutes
Track B Panel and Q&A: Creative Climate Action
TMU School of Management - 1 hour 20 minutes
Track C Panel and Q&A: Add Women, Change Politics
TMU School of Management - 45 minutes
Lunchtime Workshop 1: Strong Mayors - Good for Democracy?
TMU School of Management - 45 minutes
Lunchtime Workshop 2: Understanding the Authoritarian Playbook
TMU School of Management - 45 minutes
Lunchtime Workshop 3: The Truckers' Convoy - Lessons for Canadian Democracy
TMU School of Management - 45 minutes
Lunchtime Workshop 4: How to Win Democratic Reform in Canada
TMU School of Management - 50 minutes
Keynote and Q+A: Maurice Mitchell - Building More Resilient Movements
TMU School of Management - 1 hour 10 minutes
Track A Panel and Q&A: Rethinking Polarization - New Ways to Solve Our Misinformation Crisis
TMU School of Management - 1 hour 10 minutes
Track B Panel and Q&A: Democratic Backsliding - An International Outlook
TMU School of Management - 1 hour 10 minutes
Track C Panel and Q&A: Can We Design A "New Economy?"
TMU School of Management - 20 minutes
Democracy Futures - Foresight Findings
TMU School of Management - 50 minutes
Closing Keynote and Q+A: Maria Ressa - How to Stand Up to a Dictator
TMU School of Management
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