Democracy Futures
The Democracy Futures Workshop established in 2023, invites DXC participants to consider what we might start doing today to help us move closer towards a democracy that is resilient, successful, and sustainable. Participants are guided through various activities and processes of strategic foresight. In small groups, participants work together through a series of exploratory activities to uncover new insights, connections, implications and opportunities for the future of our democracy.
2025 is a make-or-break year for democracy in Canada.
Trust in our political institutions is crumbling, a significant amount of eligible Canadians aren't voting, and voices advocating for governments to run like corporations are getting louder. With the threat of a potential recession and an education system under strain, the stakes have never been higher. Meanwhile, polarization is deepening both at home and abroad, leaving us to question: What kind of Canada do we want to build in this rapidly changing world?
There's no turning back. So, how do we redefine our democracy in the face of increasing American influence and our tightly linked economies? How do we adapt the systems that form the backbone of our democracy to truly serve all Canadians?
Now, more than ever, we must work across our differences, challenge the assumptions that have held us back, and design bold, new pathways toward a future where democracy thrives. This year’s Democracy Futures Workshop will tap into insights from past sessions to push the boundaries of what’s possible. Through honest conversations, innovative scenarios, and actionable strategies, we’ll explore how to co-create a better democracy, one that is inclusive, resilient, and ready for the next century.
Join us to challenge what we know, think bigger, and take meaningful action for the future of democracy.

2024 Democracy Futures Resources

This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.
Ce projet a été rendu possible en partie grâce au gouvernement du Canada.
2024 Democracy Futures Toolkit (English)
An Open-Source Digital
Toolkit to explore the Future
of Democracy in Canada.
Designed for the 2024 DemocracyXChange Summit, OCAD U CO provides the following toolkit to empower citizens across Canada (and beyond) to convene groups and facilitate similar workshop sessions to explore the future of democracy.
L’Avenir de la
démocratie –
Boîte à outils (français)
Une boîte à outils numérique
à code source ouvert pour
explorer l’avenir de la
démocratie au Canada
Conçue pour le sommet de DemocracyXChange 2024, la présente boîte à outils mise au point par OCAD U CO habilitera les citoyennes et citoyens du Canada (et d’ailleurs) de former des groupes et d’animer des ateliers semblables en vue de réfléchir à l’avenir de la

2024 Report / Sommaire des ateliers
Through a series of strategic foresight methodologies and building on last year’s workshop, The Democracy Futures Workshops invited participants to envision themselves in 2050—the time horizon for change—and to consider possible futures of democracy through the following question: How might we create a resilient, successful and sustainable democracy in Canada?
En utilisant une série de méthodologies de prospective stratégique et en s'appuyant sur l'atelier de l'année dernière, nous avons invité, dans le cadre de l’atelier sur l'Avenir de la démocratie, les participantes et participants à se projeter en 2050, l'horizon temporel du changement, pour envisager les avenirs possibles de la démocratie en posant la question suivante : Comment pouvons-nous créer une démocratie résiliente, prospère et durable au Canada?
2023 Report
From March 23 to 25, 2023, the fourth DemocracyXChange Summit brought together students, researchers, practitioners, public servants, community organizers, and leaders from the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, to learn and engage with new partners, plan, and work towards strengthening democratic institutions and civil society.
Strengthening Society Together
The summit offered live talks, hands-on workshops, networking opportunities, and renowned special guests; connecting change-makers who care about defending democratic values, and aim to help tackle some of the most pressing problems of our generation.